What is a coffee machine?
Coffee machine is an applicant used to brew coffee. It may not popular in some countries which brew coffee with old drippers like Vietnam, but it is a popular indispensable kitchen item in other countries, especially in those who love drinking espresso recipes. When buying a coffee machine, you should not only consider its main features, brand reputation and price but also should know the proper type of that coffee machine to figure out a right one you need.
There are many types of coffee machines in the world; however, we can sort them into 4 common ones:
#1. Drip coffee maker
Drip coffee maker is the most regular coffee machine that you can find at many kitchens. It is very suitable and convenient applicant at home. It is available at a lot of capacities, brands, prices and models. The sizes vary in different capacities, from 4 to 12 cups. The 4 cup capacity is perfect for single person, while the 12 cup capacity can very helpful to make 12 cups of coffee at one time when you have guests or your family has a lot of coffee drinkers.
To use this coffee machine, all you need to do is just put the coffee ground into the coffee filter, pour water into the reservoir and then turn the machine on. It will automatically make you the aromatic coffee mugs. Beside the very easy usage, it also has a lot of convenient additional functions such as Timer (to set the time you want the machine work), Pause Button (to stop the machine when it is working), Strength adjuster (Adjust the strength of your coffee to meet your desired taste), coffee grinded (to grind you coffee beans without any specific machine), etc.
#2. Espresso coffee machine
Espresso coffee machine is the specific machine to make espresso coffee and other espresso-based beverage such as cappuccino, latte, etc. It is both used at home and coffee shops with various models and prices. When purchasing this kind of machine, you need to consider the physical sizes, capacity, function and types of brewing. Espresso machine can either be the simple model which can be used at home or the complicated and multiple functional models that be used in the café.
A lot of innovative espresso machine can make any number of shots. Some have dual spout, which can help you make two separate shots at the same time. Some automatic espresso machines also provide all the processes of making espresso, such as grinding, brewing and milk frothing.
#3. French coffee Press
French Press is traditional coffee maker and still quite popular today. It is a basically a method of pouring boil water into the Press that hold coffee ground. It do not require electricity, because it contain a plunger which can be pressed by hand. When you brew coffee, you press the plunger down slowly and make the coffee ground go to the bottom.
French Press is easy to use and it is safe. If you want your coffee stronger, you should let it sit inside the Press for longer time. Your coffee will be kept in the glass cylinder which can maintain the aroma of the coffee.
#4. Single cup coffee maker
Single cup coffee machine is a very convenient way to make single cup of coffee for individual, which use the coffee pot of K-cups and put in the basket and then let the water in reservoir run through the cup to make coffee. The most benefit of this coffee machine is its convenience, ease in using and also it can make single coffee cups which meet all the favors of a lot of people at the same time. It is perfect for small family and at offices or work places where there are various people with different styles of drinking coffee.
To sum up, a coffee machine is an equipment for brewing coffee at different techniques. Its main types are drip coffee makers, espresso coffee machines, French press or single serve coffee brewers. Upon customer’s request or demand, he or she can use a proper machine to make a delicious cup of coffee. Or, if you are a fan of coffee machine, you can buy all of them as a collector.