What is a best coffee machine?
The term “coffee machine” widens in different fields. It can be understood as any machines used in coffee processing and making. At coffee shops or at your home, to make coffee, you usually use coffee roaster, coffee grinder and finally coffee maker/brewer or espresso machine. These four are generally called “coffee machine”.
- Tips: Check out latest collection of best coffee machine from Amazon: http://amzn.to/1GLH5Sq.
Coffee roaster, coffee grinder, espresso machine and coffee maker are available to use at home (homemade coffee machine) and at café, bars, restaurant (commercial coffee machine). You may find a best coffee machine as belows:
#1. Coffee roaster
Coffee roaster is a best coffee machine used to roast green coffee beans into roasted coffee beans. Roasting coffee is usually divided into three basic levels: light roast, medium roast and dark roast. The dark roast also has two types, including normal dark roast and espresso dark roast (known Italian roast, Viennese or French roast).
Coffee roaster has two types: fluid-air bed and drum roaster machines. Fluid-air bed (hot air) roaster machine uses force-heated air to roast the coffee beans floating on “bed”. The machine provides balanced hot air to flow over a tilted bed and circulate the beans, which makes all the coffee beans roasted evenly. On the other hand, drum roaster machine roasts coffee beans by heating rotating chamber and the hot surface of drum. Generally, drum roaster is usually used for commercial roasting while hot-air roaster is used for home roasting.
What makes a roaster become a best coffee machine is that it offers different kinds of roasted coffee beans at different roasting degree (level) with a wide range of choices.
#2. Coffee grinder
We use coffee grinder to grind roasted coffee beans into ground powder. A good coffee grinder must grind the finest and smoothest coffee ground as well as provide the fastest grind speed and long durability of use.
There are two types of coffee grinders: blade grinder and burr grinder. Blade grinder uses two high-speed blades to cut the beans into tiny slices. The only problem when using this machine is that you have to grind several times before the ground becomes fine and even. Burr grinder uses two revolving abrasive surfaces (or burrs) to smash the coffee beans put between them. A coffee grinder plays a very important role on making ground coffee powder of different sizes which create different tastes and aromas and mark it become a best coffee machine for any coffee producer.
#3. Coffee maker
Coffee maker or coffee brewer is used to make coffee – the result in the whole process. After making coffee-by-coffee maker, you can enjoy a beautiful cup of coffee drink. A best coffee machine comes in various different types using numerous brewing principles. However, most of them follow a common rule, which coffee grounds are placed in a filter inside a funnel. Hot water is then poured directly into the funnel. The traditional coffee maker needs manual operation, such as boiling water, but the innovative electric coffee makers today can automatically boil the water and other works.
Coffee makers vary in different types, depending on its mechanism such as single-serving coffee brewer, drip coffee maker, Moka pot, porcelain coffee maker, French Press, etc.
#4. Espresso machine
Like its name, espresso machine is used to make espresso. Because of the thick and concentrated feature of espresso, it requires a specific machine to make. This machine forces pressurized hot water through the coffee ground.
Based on mechanism, espresso machines vary in multiple types, including steam-driven, piston-driven, pump driven and air pump driven. They can be automatic or manual. To buy a best coffee machine for making espresso that matchs your need is not difficult. You should consider other factors such as physical size, capacity or type of brewing.
To sum up, to choose a best coffee machine for your cafe is not an impossible mission. There are many choices for coffee machines on Amazon with different options. Basing on your specific needs, you can choose a best coffee machine for your own. To me, a best machine is not only pricing or its functionality but also your familiarity of using it.